Infrequently updated consistently funny

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hustler Bar: Oh relax uptight people!

What’s in a name? Apparently when it’s a name that is associated with a magazine of questionable taste it is a lot. Now I have not directly heard any complaints about our school having bar review at the bar but I have heard colloquially that some have questioned the choice. Well let me clear the air a bit. The bar is not owned by Larry Flint the bar does not push any nudity whether in print or in person. Our school has so often held itself out as progressive yet in so many ways we are as backward as the Deep South. There is nothing wrong with the bar the bar is like any other bar, somewhere that people can go and drink. No one will judge a law school by the quality of the bar that the students go to. Does this mean that the students who go to gay bars are bringing the school down, what about those who frequent biker bars? The school is a reflection of its people and their academics and social contribution; what the students do on their free time as long as they do not impress their views and morals or lack of morals on others is their own business. So to those who had a problem with the choice of bar – get over it, no one is forced to go to bar review and our school’s falling ranking is not caused by bar review: It is probably caused by students like you who find every opportunity to complain about what is wrong rather than trying to work with others to make things better.


Maria Elisa said...

First of all . . . people should be thanking you for your effort to provide law students with a good time every Friday. You go out of your way to throw us a party every Friday and I don't think you get enough thanks.

Second, The Hustler is one of the better clubs in San Diego. I love the shows and the bartenders aren't jerks like some of the ones at other clubs. The dancers are actually pretty good at what they do. Those girls own the room and as a woman, I'm not in anyway offended by their performances. They're dancers, not strippers.

You keep doing what you do Aaron and don't listen to the haters. They just don't have anything better to do than bitch.

Anonymous said...

He actually has 15k thanks for setting up BR. It is part of his job to put on the parties, so it's not really going out of his way. Plus he enjoys doing it and would probably do anyhow.

As far as the bar choice, I could care less as well on the choice b/c the reality is that a bar is a bar is a bar. So anything promoting drunken debauchery is gonna be about the same regardless where you go and regardless of the bar's theme.

People who get up in arms have nothing better to do and who really cares anyhow. I find it hardly if worth the time to even comment on them and recognize their efforts.

Though I don't know about your statement of bitching people bringing down our schools rank over bar reviews. I don't think drinking helps our schools rank at all and probably has caused the demise of several. I'm not hating on BR at all as I like to attend on occassion but obviously some people still think it is undergrad...though they would likely be doing the same whether there was a school sponsered event or not.

There's my rant..peace

Cali J said...

Just to let you know: The VP does not receieve the 15k per year scholarship, divide that number by 15 and you will get the scholarship that the VP gets...big of you to try and throw out the amount of money you think VPs receive from the school and get it wrong. As to the part of the job thing: it is in addition to my job so regardless of whether I got a scholarship for being VP or not bar review is not my job. As to the drinking I'm sure it has not helped many but, I think bar review just gives a location to drink at; the drinking would have been done anyway

Anonymous said...

I think if we have bar review at a gay biker bar our ranking will go up.

Anonymous said...

I have no objection to bars, debaucherous or otherwise, dancers/strippers, or any of the above. I DO, however, have an objection to the Hustler bar. A strong one, in fact!!! Last time we had a bar review there the dancers started a high school cat fight over comments they THOUGHT they heard about their dancing on a pole. First of all, if they need a bouncer to defend every potentially negative comment made on the premises, maybe they should just grow up a little. Second, particularly because the comments were never made in the first place, bite me and get a life. Good dancing or not, a bar should never disrespect their customers, especially over something so trivial. I say boycott Hustler. BR is great (as is the occasional debauchery) but Hustler IS NOT!

Cali J said...

Sorry to hear that: it is sad when the bar staff start a fight...oh well the bar is under new management so hopefully things like that will never happen again.

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Cali-J ueber alles in der Welt. Some think that I am mean; (I call them friends), in fact I am not that mean. What I am is sarcastic and dry to the sandpaper level. I have friends that I have never said a kind word to their face, but I praise to the ends of the earth to anyone I know and will defend them to the end. That’s just how I roll! My boys know that I am down for them, my girls know that no matter what I will keep them safe (and occasionally flirt with them [If you are a female friend of mine and think I haven’t flirted with you it just means you didn’t notice, it was extremely subtle or…not yet ]). No one is safe from my sarcasm even my own parents; hence of course as a kid I spent a significant amount of time in punishment. I treat people with respect if I think they deserve it – everyone starts off with the same amount of respect from me (a lot). You don’t need to earn my respect; you have to keep my respect.