Infrequently updated consistently funny

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bachelor Episode 2 or #Champagnegate

Working and watching the Bachelor, hope I do not lose too many brain cells.
We return to Hannah Brown and Peter crying in each other's arms. Hannah sits on Peter's lap and kisses his forehead. While they are doing this the girls on the group date are actively speculating and worrying that Hannah will join the show.
Peter finally pulls away saying "I cannot do this" then hugs Hannah back in. A podcast I listen to let me in on a dirty little (non) secret, Hannah was still filming 'Dancing with the Stars' at that time which meant there was no way ABC was going to let her damage one property to join another property while filming…this doesn't mean she will not reappear later, but she couldn't join the show at that moment.
Peter pulls the group date girls to talk to them and lets them know that he cannot continue the group date because he is not in the correct headspace after seeing Hannah. One of the black women calls out Peter for cutting the date short for Hannah (sadly I really do not know these ladies' names yet and thanks to working cannot pay enough attention, so I will have to use features until I catch up) she is not wrong. A bad move by the black woman is to continue to harp on the cancelled date behind Peter's back with the other women that is a strong way to have the others snitch on you and make you sound bad in the background.
Peter spends much of his time in the one on ones apologizing to the girls – Sydney gets the date rose (looked up from a spreadsheet just in time to see her name in my closed captions). Mykenna is supposed to be a certain age that I just cannot believe and she also occasionally speaks about herself in the third person, Cali-J is impressed by that.
One of the girls has had a bottle of champagne that she apparently kept on a counter at home for about a year waiting for a good moment (quick aside ALWAYS JUST DRINK YOUR CHAMPS celebrate life not moments) , so she has brought that special bottle to the mansion. She wants to take Peter aside but as she is approaching Peter, Mykenna takes Peter away. She decides she wants to confront Mykenna about this, as Mykenna tries to stick up for herself she gets cursed at by the girl whose name I still do not know. Stupidly the bottle of champagne was left outside by a fireplace in a bucket with a blanket so of course Peter is walking by with a different girl sees the champagne and he and the other girl (Hannah Ann apparently) shake the bottle up and pop it just as the champagne girl (I will eventually learn her name…I think) is talking to the other girls inside the house some of whom wisely ask her where/why she left her champagne unattended? Peter goes to look for her because Kelsey (told you I would) came by to look once  (well not immediately, initially she and other girls sat there thinking the pop could not have been THE bottle) she heard the pop and immediately started crying and walking off. Peter tries to talk to her but she Kelsey refuses to let him in the bathroom, so he walks back to hang with Hannah Ann since Kelsey didn’t want to talk to him. Kelsey then walks up and she starts screaming at Hannah Ann and accusing Hanna Ann of deliberately trying to steal her moment. Peter finally gets Kelsey to talk and of course they run into another bottle of champagne because this is the Bachelor house after all. So Peter and Kelsey pop the new bottle and because "Kelsey says she is "not a classy bitch" all the time they decide to drink from the bottle which cause the champagne to bubble up and squirt all over Kelsey's face embarrassing her some more. I know somehow the producers set this up (like guiding Peter and Hannah Ann towards the first bottle) but I still delighted in how well Kelsey fell into the trap and looked "like a hot mess and she needs to go home" said by (the Asian woman?) Seriously for the first few weeks these girls should never be on camera without their names superimposed for lazy viewers like me.
Rose Ceremony:
The Black girl who called Peter out at the group date is Natasha, she gets a rose, I happened to look up just as she was getting it, closed captions for the win!
There is an Alexa on this show, how do I know, because Peter said her name to give her a rose and my smart speaker just spoke back to him!
Of course there is last rose drama with Kelsey getting the last rose, as she is strategically placed side by side with Hannah Ann.
For the final toast the group offers to let Kelsey make the toast and she refuses claiming it would be better for her to keep her mouth shut, she looks tremendously petty and childish.
Group date time:
The girls get to meet Carson Kressley, Janice Dickinson and the owner of Revolve clothing. I have such a great Janice Dickinson story but I feel like the decency statute of limitations (on my part) has not completely expired so I can only tell that story in person.
The girls are going to have to pick out clothes and walk a runway, one of the girls (again I am still learning names) is having a breakdown about this task. Surprisingly Kelsey is the girl that comes to help her – Sober Kelsey > Drunk Kelsey.
Of course Mykenna is loving the opportunity to walk a runway.
Victoria F. is still freaking out and chugging wine to overcome nerves (see if I am looking up at the right time I learn the names…okay that is a lie, by next episode I will probably be back to saying 'one girl' 'X girl' blah blah.)
Hannah Ann wears a wedding dress out on to the run way as Victoria F continues to freak out.
Victoria finally walks out on to the runway and of course owns it!
Kelsey takes a bottle out to the runway and gives it to Peter with a "We will be drinking this later!"
Victoria F's second outfit is lingerie under a black trench and she pulls Peter to the runway for a kiss in front of the crowd and the shocked girls – "I was really scared to do lingerie but I am glad I did because it set me apart from the other girls. YES I am {expletive deleted} hot!" (Sure girl this is the first time you thought you were hot).
The final 2 girls are Hannah Ann and Victoria so they are in a final walk off! Victoria "Watch me {expletive deleted}win this bitch!" Easy now cocky tiger, Hannah Ann wins the walk off which leaves Victoria in tears, except say it with me HANNAH ANN IS A PROFESSIONAL MODEL, she was in her element, her win gets her everything from Revolve, 40 bags of clothes, the over practical packer in me immediately thinks "I hope the show is paying to send it home cause that is impossible to pack."
In the evening portion of the date Victoria is telling Peter she is not sure the show is worth her mental health.
Kelsey gets a special champagne date with Peter who says he has been chilling the bottle all day for them.
Hannah Ann decides to tell Peter that Kelsey is a bully, she claims that she was unable to sleep all of the night before because of the stress of it.
Peter gives Victoria the group rose and then immediately asks to speak to Kelsey on the side, Peter lets Kelsey know that Hannah says she is bullying her and that she has called her a "bitch" "fake" and a "princess." Kelsey says she is not bullying Hannah and that she has been bullied in the past so she would never bully "there is a difference between me saying not nice words to her face and bullying." Kelsey goes back to the other girls crying "apparently I am bullying some people" but refuses to take the suggestions of some of the others, "why don't you guys go and talk it out?" Will she last past the next rose ceremony…tune in next week.

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Cali-J ueber alles in der Welt. Some think that I am mean; (I call them friends), in fact I am not that mean. What I am is sarcastic and dry to the sandpaper level. I have friends that I have never said a kind word to their face, but I praise to the ends of the earth to anyone I know and will defend them to the end. That’s just how I roll! My boys know that I am down for them, my girls know that no matter what I will keep them safe (and occasionally flirt with them [If you are a female friend of mine and think I haven’t flirted with you it just means you didn’t notice, it was extremely subtle or…not yet ]). No one is safe from my sarcasm even my own parents; hence of course as a kid I spent a significant amount of time in punishment. I treat people with respect if I think they deserve it – everyone starts off with the same amount of respect from me (a lot). You don’t need to earn my respect; you have to keep my respect.