Infrequently updated consistently funny

Monday, November 13, 2017

Bachelorette Recap - The men Tell All.

Time for ‘the men tell all’ and we start it with a recap of the ‘most memorable moments’ from previous Tell Alls. 

I really should be sanitizing my apartment for my mom’s arrival, but I also have to sanitize my DVR, I cannot have her seeing the shows I watch…

Lucas and Blake are immediately the focus, Whaboom…Adam gets to use a line you know he practiced “It should have been Whabye.” Whaboom immediately wants to bond with DeMario clearly looking to pair with a villain. 

Josiah calls Iggy “the rat of all rats.” 

All the guys seem to be on Kenny’s side. Lee’s turn and his racism is showing; what ticks me off about these moments is that it feels like the black guys have to be the ones to prove why they are mad. Maybe it is just me but it feels like Lee is playing the victim. 

Overall not that great a Men Tell all – the racial dynamic has dominated so much of the season and thus this show so it stymies the fun.

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Cali-J ueber alles in der Welt. Some think that I am mean; (I call them friends), in fact I am not that mean. What I am is sarcastic and dry to the sandpaper level. I have friends that I have never said a kind word to their face, but I praise to the ends of the earth to anyone I know and will defend them to the end. That’s just how I roll! My boys know that I am down for them, my girls know that no matter what I will keep them safe (and occasionally flirt with them [If you are a female friend of mine and think I haven’t flirted with you it just means you didn’t notice, it was extremely subtle or…not yet ]). No one is safe from my sarcasm even my own parents; hence of course as a kid I spent a significant amount of time in punishment. I treat people with respect if I think they deserve it – everyone starts off with the same amount of respect from me (a lot). You don’t need to earn my respect; you have to keep my respect.