"I've got a diamond ring in my pocket, but you're not getting it."
Good grief it is 3 hours
tonight, and we cut to Chris Harrison with a live studio audience and some
‘Bachelor stars’ aka peeps who are caught in the reality show web and need
those cheques. I roped the roomie into watching this tripe with me. 

We go back to St. Lucia
and JP’s family are all there with him. He and his daughter correspond in
Spanish and I think “JP you already have a problem with English and your
daughter clearly already speaks Spanish, maybe you guys should practice English
together, so that you do not go around calling your friends ‘Perverts’,
[accidentally]”. Clare is first to meet the family.
Clare says watching JP
with his daughter makes him sexy, roomie unbidden utters “so fake” I agree.
JP’s family starts mild grilling, Clare seems prepared (or maybe she has seen
any episode of this show ever). Clare is apparently the only one in her family
that does not speak Spanish, and watching her interact with JP’s family I think
she wishes she had learned Spanish.
Roomie and I keep
laughing at the audience reaction shots everytime there is a live look in. JP’s
mom calls him rude and hurtful, Clare covers it up as honesty – methinks the
girl is trying to convince herself. JP’s cousin when talking to him about Clare
“Dude, she is ready, I am not saying she is begging for it, but she is ready”.
Here is something I do
not understand (okay I understand it but the rap historian in me loves that
phrase) everyone in JP’s family seems to be great at English EXCEPT JP even the
family from Venezuela has a better command of the language than he does which
brings me back to a theory I had when he was a contestant on the Bachelorette,
I think he plays up the accent and his limited English because it gives him a
better narrative.
Back to the LA audience,
I let it run and regret it.
Nikki’s turn – His
cousin seems a bit too excited to see Nikki. The sun is beating these poor
girls up. Nikki has a terrible tattoo. JP’s dad tells Nikki that JP is not an
easy guy 'a know it all'. JP’s mom asks Nikki how she would manage a weekend
with JP since that is when he has Camila (his daughter) kind of blows up the
whole “I am with my daughter 24/7” veneer that the show started with. JP’s mom
asks a tough question of Nikki, how would she handle conflict – her answer is
ridiculous “I think we would fight well”. As Nikki drives away JP asks if he
can keep both girls – not an unreasonable request in my world.
36 minutes and 10
seconds in I see the worst tan I have seen since the Jersey Shore was a thing.
I immediately had to text it to E and R. Chris Harrison sits down infront of 2
empty chairs (which just looks weird) and starts to tell us what is coming up
so I skip forward if he said anything important – I missed it.
Clare and JP go on a
helicopter date and JP creepily tells us that Clare’s kisses is “Ay, yai yai”
Then we get Clare telling us that JP whispered something to her while the
cameras were off and the audio was down in the helicopter…something sexual
something that she said means that he does not know her well and hints that she
might leave if there is only a physical attraction. JP just gets creepier and
creepier…but remember he is not gay so not a pervert (his words). Clare “I came
here for love, I didn’t come here for just a hook up”.
JP walks into Clares hotel and asks her for a “besito” (a kiss) and she stops him.
JP walks into Clares hotel and asks her for a “besito” (a kiss) and she stops him.
Clare starts to grill JP
about what he said to her in the helicopter and he pretends to not remember.
Clare expresses concern and he says “So that is why you did not give me a
kiss?” he is so focused on the kissing, the man’s laser focus is amazing. The
reaction shots of Deseree in the audience are amazing she has the “I dodged a
bullet” look. JP tricks Clare into believing him, that is all I can say because
the stupidity of this moment caused me to zone out a bit. JP pulls his move of
putting on that terrible song that they danced to on their first date (honesty
time, maybe the song is not terrible but I cannot judge fairly anything I hear
on this show).
(Apparently what he said to her in the Heliocopter goes like this, she asked him to tell her he loves her and he replied with "I love f---ing you") https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/0028814F041055007781868482560_1bc8eb65c19.4.8.7052514956889982238.mp4?versionId=Cpyw4OG1WqhBZJ_Hw.V8yLhn_7PmU5Iz
Why does the audience
clap everytime they cut back to them?
Time for Nikki’s date:
And she and the girls
come out to play. JP initially plays it safe and goes with safe topics then
asks Nikki if she has any concerns I spill icecream on my chest laughing at how
vacant and guarded her response is. Nikki asks JP what his plans are for after
the show and he gives her a response about watching TV alone…
On their night time date
Nikki really really wants to hear JP tell her that he loves her. You have
probably guessed by now that he does not, but you may not realize he wears an
anklet. Nikki gives JP a gift via a card with too many words it ends with “I
love you” JP says “Thank you” and kisses her on the forehead, Nikki has ‘a
sad’. The audience reactions are great, so many scowls, so many sad faces and
my roomie and I are howling with laughter…I really have to try to get tix to
that live audience someday; I want to soak up that atmosphere. JP leaves Nikki
with a kiss and the wrapping paper on her bed and she dissolves into tears.
We get the obligatory
shot of the Neil Lane box with the huge diamond ring, BUT we do not get the
usual silly back and forth of Neil Lane and the Bachelor…foreshadowing. Turns out the Neil Lane scene was cut http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/03/10/bachelor-juan-pablo-neil-lane/
Time for the final Rose ceremony and Clare arrives first, guess she was fully convinced by JP’s inane answers. Clare says “I know my dad would be proud” no girl, not if your dad watched this season. Clare tells JP that she is nervous and of course he says “It’s okay”. JP reminds us that Clare got out of the limo faking a pregnancy.
JP says “I wish the earth sucked me today because this is
the hardest decision I make.” Clare gets the I am prepared for the worst face
and JP tells her he is sending her home, he goes in for a hug and she blocks
him –
we get to hear the live audience applauding (something we have never heard before – which kind of goes with the thinking that E, I and a tonne of other people have had that the producers have given up on JP and do not care if he comes across badly anymore). Clare tells JP that after what he made her go through, she would “never want my kids to have a father like you.”
Time for the final Rose ceremony and Clare arrives first, guess she was fully convinced by JP’s inane answers. Clare says “I know my dad would be proud” no girl, not if your dad watched this season. Clare tells JP that she is nervous and of course he says “It’s okay”. JP reminds us that Clare got out of the limo faking a pregnancy.

we get to hear the live audience applauding (something we have never heard before – which kind of goes with the thinking that E, I and a tonne of other people have had that the producers have given up on JP and do not care if he comes across badly anymore). Clare tells JP that after what he made her go through, she would “never want my kids to have a father like you.”
“Whoo, I am glad I
didn’t pick her” so says JP and the audience goes “ohhhh”.
Nikki arrives – we see
JP holding a rose and staring down at it. Nikki in her voice over says “he is
going to be down on his knee looking up at me…I think today will be one of the
best days of my life” poor deluded girl. Nikki tells JP that she loves him, and
he says “I love so many things about you”. JP brings up Nikki’s dad telling him
that he has to be a 100% sure and then says “I have a ring here in my
pocket…but I am not a 100% sure that I want to propose to you, but I am a 100%
sure that I want to be with you”. 

Smooth G, way to get the girl, put the blame
on her dad but still not have to propose to her…
Clare comes out first to
much applause, roomie is still sticking this out I think he has been trapped.
Clare reiterates that she gave JP an out and he never took it, he led her on.
Clare will not tell us exactly what JP said to her but we know it was something
sexual, the roomie and I just keep making up grosser and grosser encounters for
her. Clare says she trusted the process, code for 'I was a moron for 2 months'.
Chris asks Clare what kind of man JP was which dovetails nicely with my theory
that the show is no longer protecting him. Clare is given the choice as to
whether she wants to talk to JP or not, Sharleen looks bored at how long Clare
is taking to say yes or no; she claims that telling him off in St. Lucia was
closure enough for her. This seems fake, they have never before given the
‘rejected lady’ a choice, this has to have been something she asked the
producers to do for her in advance.
JP comes out and the
audience is not happy. Chris Harrison is not his usual coddling self. JP again
tries that move of saying that he is private and will not talk about private
things…cause you know you were not on a reality show with cameras watching you.
Nikki comes out and
admits to still not knowing if JP loves her, they are still together. All the
other girls look sorry for her. JP and Nikki are together on the couch and
maybe it is my imagination but they do not look that comfortable together, she
seems to dote on him but he seems cool towards her: In my head I hear George
Michael “I will be your father figure.” JP keeps saying that Chris Harrison interrupted him and the crowd does not like that, the crowd loves Chris and clearly do not want JP to insult him. Chris clearly goes after JP and tells him that “he does not know what he is looking at”, JP repeats it as a question “You do not know what you are looking at?”. Jp says "Look at me" so often that I think of the Captain Philips trailer "Look at me, Look at me I'm the captain now"
Nikki says things
that would make sense in the real world, things like; people do not normally
fall in love like this, others who have gone on that stage were probably lying
about being in love. But, the flaw here is Nikki herself had said she wants JP
to tell her that he loves her…soooo why are you still there then?
Chris reading my mind asks
Nikki how long she will give JP – This has become the pile on JP show. JP keeps
hinting to private issues but then refusing to explain them and of course
repeats alot that he is a 100% honest.
The new Bachelorette is
introduced and it is who we all knew it would be – Andi aka the girl who is
supposed to be in the middle of a murder trial in Chicago but hey, important
things must be done. We get B roll footage of Andi as the Assistant District
attorney. Andi comes out to a standing O from the crowd.

Her hair looks different here:

and here

Guess she decided to darken it here

and then went even darker here

She looks like a completely different person here

And thanks to Todd Boudreaux there is a supercut of all the crying on the Bachelor
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