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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Bachelorette recap or, just because you kicked me out does not mean I will stay out


Time for the Instagram sponsorship preview show AKA the Bachelorette.

Ben is feeling himself while Bennett and Noah are gone as he hopes they both get sent home, that is just simple math.

Back to the 2 on 1 and Taysha’s discovery of the Bennett boxed gift to Noah…as Bennett let himself get led to a stupid place by the producers.

Taysha takes Bennett to the side first:

Taysha is mad that Bennett told Noah that there “is a 0% chance of Taysha picking him” Taysha keeps saying that that statement by Bennett is his questioning of her integrity, I do not agree, but Bennett keeps interrupting Taysha and that is not smart. Bennett again tries to explain emotional intelligence.

Bennett finally starts to smarten up and realizes he needs to flatter Taysha and calls her beautiful, smart, confident etc.

Tayshia with Noah:

She says she is confused by him…HE IS 25, she should be confused by him. Noah goes with the tact of claiming that Bennett is condescending, which is helped by Bennett often slipping into lecture mode when he is talking to Taysha and Bennett. When Noah starts to falter and run out of words he feigns that he is getting emotional.

After speaking to both men Taysha needs time to think about it.

Noah goes back to Bennett and starts speaking to him again about their differences…it makes me wonder if this is a producer manipulation to make it seem like these guys could really be so stupid to go back to arguing after Taysha just told them she is annoyed by it. 


The show spoiled the fact that Bennett was getting let go in their ‘coming up’ in the episode preview that featured Noah. Taysha walks Bennett out but Bennett makes sure to tell her in the gentlest way possible that she is making a terrible decision…this is shortly after Taysha said to Noah that she is not sure she can see them getting married.

Taysha says sending Bennett home did not feel right…but you did that. As she is walking back to Noah we see him just chugging Tic-tacs.

Taysha walks back in and Noah is beaming and she tells him to not smile “that is not a victory” Taysha does not give Noah the rose, he has to earn it via the cocktail party. 



Taysha says “as difficult as that 2 on1 was I just had to Address it” and all I can hear in my head now is LPB Poody _ ADDRESS IT “Opinion is gutter”

Riley takes Taysha aside first and says “this is our one week anniversary of being boyfriend and girlfriend” so he takes her to a cake celebration. ..Taysha loves it.

Zac brings her a photo of their wedding portrait date.

Brendan definitely feels like a front runner.

The guys start to panic as they count the roses on the table and realize there are only five (Ivan is clearly near sighted since he has to ask the guys to tell him how many roses are on the platter) and thus 3 guys are going home…they cannot know this but we only have a few episodes left the culling has to be dramatic.

Brendan gets rose 1, told you front runner, she did not want to see him sweat.

Rose 2 goes to Riley; the boyfriend/girlfriend date sealed it.

Rose 3 to Blake, probably because he makes the whole group laugh, that has to be it.

Ivan gets the 4th rose and luckily for him this time “the floor is [not] lava.”

The final rose (and with no OMCH we have to figure this out by ourselves, weirdly it was NOT that hard) goes to Noah and this means Spencer, Demar and Ed have to go home. 


Noah’s toast is “Cheers to real love with a real woman.”

The next day:

Jojo shows up to tell the guys that next week is hometowns. Ben gets the first date. Zac starts crying as he talks to the guys about potentially having a hometown date “my mom and dad are my heroes.”


Ben shows up for the 1 on 1 date in a shirt that looks like it was washed by a porcupine.

Jojo borrows OMCH’s scooter to tell Ben and Tay (I am lazy so expect this for the rest) that they will have a scavenger hunt to find the “oasis.” I think my opinion must have been too low of Ben because I was surprised that he solved the first clue. When a clue is in the fountain Ben is all too happy to take off his pants to get down to his underwear…my opinion of him returns to the low scale.

Evening portion:

I am probably too harsh but Ben seems boring to me, and it is not helped by Ben commenting on Tay’s shoes saying “people always talk about your dresses” but for him it is Tay’s shoes…bro those are not the ‘pairs’ people notice on Tay.

Ben’s sob story is that he had 2 failed suicide attempts (stupid lawyer in me could not shake hearing it in my head “they were clearly failed since a successful suicide cannot be spoken of by the victim”) and his sister helped him through the pain of it, but watching the show will be how she finds out about it.

I am not sure Tay is the person to handle someone who might have suicidal tendencies and I HATE that someone with that kind of past ends up on a show like this, it makes me nervous for their reaction if they feel like a ‘failure’ on national TV. Ben gets the date rose so Taysha will go and meet his family.

Tonight’s musical group act that you do not know is Adam Hambrick, and to show how little I knew - until the name came up I did not realize that the others on stage were just backups and not the full band.  The Bach/ette franchise really loves their country acts.

Zac, Brendan, Ivan, Noah and Riley get the group date card which means that Blake gets the final one on one. BLAAAKE?

The expected National Suicide Prevention lifeline number and plug comes up, definitely give them a call if you are struggling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and remember you will not talk someone into committing suicide by suggesting that they talk to someone about their suicidal thoughts, you can only help them get better, so never hesitate to try to help a friend.

Group Date:

The day portion is a polygraph test. One of my boys is convinced he can fool one.

Tayshia gets an inconclusive when asked “do you regret sending anyone home”

Ivan’s fun truth answer is “Have you ever been aroused when spending time around Tay” - YES

Noah is found to have lied when asked “Has anyone ever faked an orgasm with you” – NO

Brendan’s inconclusive is that he is not prepared to meet Tay’s family or with her meeting his.

Zac’s shock answer is truth to “Have you ever cheated” - YES

Riley scores a lie when asked his name!

Evening portion:

Zac is first on the hot seat because Tay says “cheating is a deal breaker with me” turns out “that was the main reason why my marriage ended.” Zac says that it was with his first girlfriend…in the sixth grade! This earns him laughs and playful smacks from Tay. Zac says that he hated having to say in front of everyone in the non-intimate setting that he was falling in love with Tay but she then comforts him by saying that she is falling in love with him too. Uhmm WHAT?

Riley breaks down crying before it is his time to talk to Tay because there are family issues that he needs to talk to her about. “I know I do not look much like a Dwayne but my name is Dwayne Henderson Jr.”  Riley used to be very close with his father but then they had a falling out; Riley did a legal name change.

Taysha does not give out the group date rose because she says she needs more time to think about it. As she walks into her hacienda’s garden she is so startled that she lets the door hit her on the back because…Bennett is back.

Tay is momentarily speechless. 


Tay invites Bennett in and I am hoping that he at least rehearsed a better speech than his goodbye speech. Bennett says that he realized in the goodbye moment “that I love you.” “You have every ounce of my heart right here…I am not expecting anything from you…but if there is an ounce of you still that would like to explore our relationship…I would like nothing more than to stay for you.” Thought you did not want/expect anything from her bro?

Tay tells Bennett that she needs the night to think about it, he tries to sneak a kiss goodbye but is stopped by Tay. Though she freezes him out on the kiss, Tay seems to want Bennett to remain on the show. She says she is happy that Bennett showed up for her like she has always wanted someone to…like a stalker?

Next week is back to back episodes…ABC needs content.


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Cali-J ueber alles in der Welt. Some think that I am mean; (I call them friends), in fact I am not that mean. What I am is sarcastic and dry to the sandpaper level. I have friends that I have never said a kind word to their face, but I praise to the ends of the earth to anyone I know and will defend them to the end. That’s just how I roll! My boys know that I am down for them, my girls know that no matter what I will keep them safe (and occasionally flirt with them [If you are a female friend of mine and think I haven’t flirted with you it just means you didn’t notice, it was extremely subtle or…not yet ]). No one is safe from my sarcasm even my own parents; hence of course as a kid I spent a significant amount of time in punishment. I treat people with respect if I think they deserve it – everyone starts off with the same amount of respect from me (a lot). You don’t need to earn my respect; you have to keep my respect.