Bachelor begins and all I can think of are these comments from Juan P. Maybe
you shouldn’t be on a show where you attempt to date dozens of women at once
and then try to take a moral high ground. One of the girls mentions that a lot
of people have found love on the show…I think she is confused.
takes Cassandra on the first 1 on 1, she is 21 and has a child by an NBA player
(I feel like all of this is relevant). They take an amphibious car touring
then jump off a yacht right after her confessional has her saying “I think I am
just going to jump in with him (she was talking about love)” nice timing

do not know how old JP is, but he seems too old for Cassandra, or she seems too
young for him, not sure which way in the equation, but it feels wrong. She
talks like a young girl would – which makes sense since she is TWENTY ONE!! She
says “I haven’t had a first date since I was 18 years old” constantly, I guess
when you are that young those things matter a lot.
mentions that he thinks a lot about whether to keep Cassandra because she has
her child back home, but he gives her a rose and in the immediate confessional
“the last time I thought this way about a guy was 3 years ago”.
Date time
B roll shows JP playing around with some of the LA galaxy players; he talks
about it as I he could have been a member of the team – eh. The girls on the
group date come out and they practice football with JP (I hate the word
soccer). They are split into teams and as always the girls get aggressive
towards each other, Sharleen took a tonne of hits from the ball. 
Seriously a tonne,
The red team
is destroying the blue team so JP joins the blue team…they still lose. And Sharleen takes a hit

Seriously a tonne,

makes out with Andi the ADA in the concessions area of the stadium, never eating
there again.
JP spreads a picnic blanket for he and Sharleen on the field, and
the other girls get to watch it happen.
Andi who thought the rose was hers now
worries – since last week’s photo shoot I have really stopped caring about
Andi’s feelings. Seriously look at that Sharleen kiss is weird, just weird.

have a very boring dinner. She gets the rose. JP then says “I have a pretty
cool surprise for her” as if A. He is the one that set up the musical act and
B. like this has not happened on every date for the last few seasons. Chelsie
claims that it is a song she sings on the radio all the time…for once I think I
recognize the song, but I definitely as usual did not recognize the performer.
sneaks into the house to make the girls breakfast, the dog lover (again that is
her title) tries to sneak past him to walk her dog because her grandma said to
her “never let a man see you without your face on”. ..way to teach her
priorities gam gam!
JP announces that he wants to cancel the cocktail party in favor of a pool party – smart man, he has already seen all the girls in dresses, but this way he gets to see all the ladies in bikinis.
The other girls
begin to hate on Kat because she is aggressively stealing time with JP to the
point that a girl calls her a whore.

JP announces that he wants to cancel the cocktail party in favor of a pool party – smart man, he has already seen all the girls in dresses, but this way he gets to see all the ladies in bikinis.

breaks down crying with JP which gets her a kiss; and triggers whispering
amongst the girls. Just like last week, another girl breaks down in the
bathroom and another girl goes in to comfort her – WHY? Why comfort your
competition? I think its Renee the one who slid under the bathroom stall to
comfort the breakdown last week. She really, really does not understand the premise of this show.
My computer crashed and I lost much of the recap I wrote so I take it as a sign and just conclude with this:
Boring Rose Ceremony - Lucy, and Christy get sent home, I thought Lucy was safe for a few weeks just based on previews and initial camera time but I was wrong, apparently 'free spirit' does not grab JP as a career choice.
The 'Bachelor Wedding Special' for Sean and Catherine is next week and I am sorely afraid that E will make me watch it...that is Royal Rumble Sunday, a man has to have priorities damn it!
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