We are told it is the
most romantic television event of the year, easy enough claim since we are in
the first month of the year! I do not think I am going to last through this
unless I heavily use the DVR fast forward (Ffwd) options.
Catherine claims that
since they are on a road trip she will have Sean’s undivided attention so that
she can give him wedding information and go over plans…her plan is to have a
“grown sexy and whimsical” wedding – I think those 2 things do not go together,
but what do I know, I am just a lawyer.
They are going to live
separately in Dallas until the wedding, E warned me that there was a Honeymoon
Suite Cam, but wow it is extra creepy seeing it pop up on the screen. There is
footage of Sean and Catherine having their first night in their separate apartments
(that look rapidly well-furnished from the empty spots I saw 2 minutes ago).
I am switching to S and
C, I am too lazy to spell out their names. S’s family seems a little too
polished. They ask S’s dad to be the officiant for the wedding, and he starts
crying. S and C go off to a swing that mysteriously already had a camera
perfectly positioned in front of it – not staged at all.
Zipping through this
show, every time they cut to Chris Harrison, or the ‘live’ camera at the
wedding I just skip forward (no need to see ex Bachelor and Bachelorette
contestants milling around, and I think I saw Neil Lane and Andy Dick). C tells
her wedding planner that she wants ‘grown sexy’ which leaves the wedding
planner confused, which at least lets me think she is a normal person. The
wedding planner asks a question that I would probably fire my wedding planner
for asking “are you and S still waiting to have sex?” No way is that something
you should ask someone.
S asks C to explain what
grown sexy is, and she says “Robin Thicke”, I like him as much as the next
person but yeesh is that what we are now using for wedding planning? C goes
dress shopping, and I have put the remote on mild fast forward that way I can
see the dresses but I do not have to listen to the comments, I wish I had this
option in real life when I go dress shopping with girls I am dating. 

S, goes shopping for
lingerie and this just looks and feels awkward. S admits that he has never gone
lingerie shopping before – shocking. Is this normally done? Do grooms buy
lingerie for the wife’s wedding night attire? Isn’t this something that she
would break out on her own? And…why do you want all of American to know what
your wife is going to be rocking when the door is locked? Then again, when you
have a honeymoon suite cam – nothing is probably sacred.
S and C go to a cake
shop and decorate a cake…it feels like a cheesy Bachelor date episode, the cake
looks terrible. They go on an evening date and S presents C with the lingerie
and C describes it as “Fancy icing for my body and I cannot wait to wear it
when I am S’s wife”. Just have to point out – I HATE ICING.
I think I skipped past a
prayer circle for the groomsmen, but no way do I go back, I already hate myself
for watching any of this, not extending it. Flower selection time, I am taking
a peek and then hitting FFwd. C is going to get her hair done by Jose Eber.
C is doing Boudoir
photos and claims that they are only going to be for S, but of course she takes
her bridesmaid along and the camera crew.
S gives C the wedding
rings and we have the Neil Lane boxes featured. I am quickly remembering how
boring S was as a Bachelor, not as bad as Juan Pablo, but eh.
The couple sits down
with Chris Harrison and I miss all of it because I was too busy with twitter, I
cannot imagine it was a good interview, I do know they did it in the honeymoon
suite…not weird at all.
Because the wedding is
in Santa Barbara and they keep emphasizing that fact, I half expect Sean
Spencer and Gus to pop up out of nowhere.
Ffwd through all the
processions to the bride’s entrance, C looks beautiful, but instead of ‘Here
comes the bride’ they have an instrumental of Michael Jackson’s ‘Human nature’.
I cannot sit through the ceremony; I can barely do it for weddings of people I
care about. Thanks to E, I knew when to pause for the vows, though still nearly
missed them thanks to really putting the Ffwd into overdrive.
The best man does some
ring gimmick, it wasn’t funny, the whole thing is terrible, E has my undying
hate for making me watch this, I am at this point just watching hoping to see a
mistake. I am now only slowing the DVR for moments that look like people are
laughing or an accident has occurred, so yup only stopped for the kiss.
Terribly boring TV wedding (which I guess makes it a real wedding). Do we
follow them into the honeymoon suite? Will that be shown tomorrow on the

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