Infrequently updated consistently funny

Monday, April 10, 2006

Too lazy to care, too mad to just let it go w/o a comment!

We have become an institution satisfied with mediocrity and sameness. We are satisfied with the road that is easiest and are too often afraid to step out and comment and critique…I had planned on ripping the new SBA a new one after sitting in the meeting because numbers like $6500 spent for 100 persons hoping to recoup $500 (by the way its not a typo that’s $5hundred not $5thousand) just made me livid and then I realized that like much of the new executive board I just didn’t care enough to type it all out. Will I rant and rave if you come to me and ask me? Prolly!

But on to happier things…It probably was not a good idea for me to walk into Bank of America with my hoodie on growling the lyrics from Lumbajacs ‘2Gs’ “Get the money man, get the money man, yo I gotta get that money man!” That track is also the same one used in the new Avis ad with the 3 white guys rocking out to their satellite radio (similar to the Office Space scene) – funny ad!

Vien Dong had shrimp on sale at $3 a lb so I had to of course get some for the fried rice and then saw that Chinese sausage was also on special so had to scoop the maximum that they would allow me to purchase and then stand in line blatantly looking like an outcast…loved it!

1 comment:

Maria Elisa said...


yeah, I still read your blog in Vienna. so what . . .


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Cali-J ueber alles in der Welt. Some think that I am mean; (I call them friends), in fact I am not that mean. What I am is sarcastic and dry to the sandpaper level. I have friends that I have never said a kind word to their face, but I praise to the ends of the earth to anyone I know and will defend them to the end. That’s just how I roll! My boys know that I am down for them, my girls know that no matter what I will keep them safe (and occasionally flirt with them [If you are a female friend of mine and think I haven’t flirted with you it just means you didn’t notice, it was extremely subtle or…not yet ]). No one is safe from my sarcasm even my own parents; hence of course as a kid I spent a significant amount of time in punishment. I treat people with respect if I think they deserve it – everyone starts off with the same amount of respect from me (a lot). You don’t need to earn my respect; you have to keep my respect.